Nigerians react to the proposed N37 billion approved for National Assembly renovation

The sum of N37 billion has been approved by President Muhammadu Buhari for the renovation of the National Assembly complex.

WITHIN NIGERIA learnt that the said amount which is included in the 2020 budget is however not part of the N128 billion allocated for the National Assembly for next year. The money is instead part of the 2020 budget of the Federal Capital Development Administration.

While reacting to the new development, the Senate President, Ahmad Lawan stated that there has been no major renovation of the National Assembly building for 20 years and many parts of the property had become dilapidated.

“We met the president and (it was) related the condition of the complex. The president responded and said he was going to renovate the complex. The phase one renovation will commence the chambers and committee rooms in the white house.

“N37 billion was sourced and was given. It was put under the FCT, not national Assembly. All we required is to have the complex renovated.

“When we are through with phase 1, we will go to phase 2. It is not under the control of the National Assembly. The complex is a national asset and is for the FCDA to take care,” he said.

Many Nigerians have reacted and lamented to the approval of N37 billion for the renovation of the national assembly and some reactions are captured below:

See reactions of Nigerians:

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