Why I love dating older women – Singer, Chike makes shocking disclosure

Famous singer, Chike opens up on why he prefers dating older women.

Nigerian singer, Chike Ezekpeazu Osebuka, widely known as Chike, has candidly opened up about his inclination towards romantic relationships with older women rather than younger ones.

Speaking at the Unpack Podcast hosted by NAY, the 30-year-old singer revealed that he finds older women more appealing due to their enhanced communication skills, stating that they tend to be more proficient in effective communication when they are “slightly advanced in age.”

Chike made it clear that he has a preference for mature women, emphasizing that he has no interest in dating younger ones. He noted that he only greets them and moves on.

According to him, the last two ladies he dated were older than him.

In his words:

“Most can’t communicate properly. The time you start finding a woman who can communicate, they are slightly advanced in age. Not a girl of 23 years.

“Imagine I’m running around with some 23-year-old, what’s she going to handle? What’s she going to understand?

“She just wanna take pictures and be on Instagram and tell everybody that she’s dating you. What are you unpacking for that person?

*Let’s be honest, you can find younger women who are so mature but they are rare. But you find it more in older women.

“Then before you know, you find guys dating older women. And you wonder what is going on. It’s because as a guy when you are getting to a place where you want a certain level of peace, it’s only older women that can give you that.

“The past two relationships I have been in, they [my partners] have been older than me. There is no small girl that can say I am dating her.

“I mean, I probably just say ‘Hi’ to them [younger women]. And that’s it. It’s not going to get past that. Because I know where it’s going. Our visions are just not the same.”

Chike further added that only younger women with a career can catch his eyes, “who I know that are dedicated, they are trying to do something. Not the ones that are not doing anything.”

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