Netizens in disbelief as groom slaps bride during exchange of vows in church (Video)

Cybercitizens are in awe over a disturbing video that captures the weird moment a groom slapped his bride while they were exchanging vows in church.

In the clip, the pastor could be seen blessing the couple as usual when the groom made a move as if he was about to kiss the bride but she obviously didn’t play along.

Reacting swiftly, the groom landed a slap on her cheek while the pastor was still speaking.

The members of the church on the other hand appeared reluctant as they all acted less concerned like it was a normal occurrence.

Watch the video below:

The video has generated a lot of questions from social media users who asked whether it was scripted or real as netizens are yet to understand why a man will put up an animalistic display on his wedding day before the congregation.

Check out some comments trailing the clip beneath:

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