Moment NNPP Flagbearer, Kwankwaso Fell Off Stage (Video)


A video of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) presidential candidate, Rabiu Kwankwaso, falling off the stage has gone viral.

In the video, Kwankwaso is seen attempting to leave the stage when the plank used to construct it suddenly gives way, allowing him to sink into it.

Those on stage immediately rescued him, but we couldn’t tell if he was seriously injured due to the unfortunate fall.

See video below:

Atiku Abubakar Appoints New Officials for the 2023 Election

Meanwhile, Atiku Abubakar, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential candidate and former Vice President of Nigeria, has appointed Hassana Maina as his Special Assistant on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

WITHIN NIGERIA reports that Maina’s appointment was announced on Monday in a press release signed by Atiku’s Media Adviser, Paul Ibe.

According to her appointment letter, Maina’s responsibilities will include, among other things, providing leadership and guidance on sustainable development goals as they relate to Atiku Abubakar’s activities, as well as coordinating and integrating sustainable development goals into Atiku’s national development plans.

Hassana Maina, the appointee, is a lawyer, poet, and gender consultant with over three years of experience.

She is the recipient of the Future Africa Award and has a Masters Degree in Law from the University of London, with a focus on development and globalization.

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