“Nothing justifies domestic violence, nothing at all” Solomon Buchi

Solomon Buchi advices against abuse in relationships

Solomon Buchi, a prominent writer, firmly asserts that there can be no justification for such abhorrent behavior.

Solomon addresses the issue of domestic violence, urging men to reject any notion that could potentially justify acts of violence within the household.

In a society where gender-based violence continues to pervade, Buchi insists that any action causing harm within the sacred space of one’s home is utterly unacceptable and must be vehemently condemned.

In a very short tweet, Solomon Buchi wrote:

“Nothing justifies domestic violence. Absolutely nothing.”

Earlier this year, Solomon Buchi weds fiancée, Arike

Life coach Solomon Buchi married his fiancée, Arike Adeola amidst tears, 7 months after saying she wasn’t the most beautiful woman in the world. He added that there is no best anywhere but there is someone you chose and see the best in.

The post generated mixed reactions, which then led to Buchi claiming that he broke up with Arike, and then retracting the statement.

Sharing photos from the private event, Solomon Buchi tweeted:

The most beautiful moment in our lives yet. I got to be joined as one with Ariké Adeola, now Adeola Solomon-Buchi.

Marriage, an institution so sacred, and in the presence of family and a few friends, we tied our nuptial vows and committed to forever.

And it ended perfectly. I’m so humbled. Thank you Jesus.”

In another one of his posts , Solomon Buchi stated that “Submission is mutual”.

Solomon Buchi stated that it was not how God intended things to work because he made men to submit to him and women to submit to men.

Many people have responded to his tweet, some supporting him and others disputing his assertion.

He wrote:

“Submission in marriage is not mutual. A Christian man was not instructed to submit to his wife. In our egalitarian desire to equalize concepts, we twist scripture. A man submits to God and his wife submits to him. The concept of mutual submission is modern and wrong..

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