How to Grow Potatoes in a Sack

Growing Potatoes in Sacks

Potato cultivation in sacks or grow bags is not groundbreaking, yet it remained unexplored in our gardening journey until recently.

To be candid, our attempt was not a fiasco but didn’t yield stellar results. Our potato sack harvest didn’t become a social media sensation. It’s possible we chose the wrong type of bag, or perhaps the prolonged summer drought played a role. A mid-growing season vacation might have benefitted us more than the spuds. That’s just how life unfolds.

In the end, we did manage a modest harvest from each sack. Was it worthwhile? If you’re seeking a quick answer, feel free to jump to the bottom – “Is it worth growing potatoes in sacks?” However, read on for insights and strategies to enhance your potato harvest if time permits.

Benefits of Growing Potatoes in Sacks

Planting potatoes in sacks isn’t just a trend; it’s a game-changer for lazy gardeners. Save space, eliminate weeds, and enjoy a hassle-free harvest. Let’s explore the perks.

Container Gardening Saves Space: No need for extensive soil preparation. Sacks fit into any corner, ideal for urban and small-space gardens.

Weed-Free Gardening: Sacks keep pesky weeds at bay, ensuring your potatoes get all the nutrients without the competition.

No Soil Disturbance: Forget the backbreaking soil loosening. Sacks allow potatoes to grow without disturbing the soil structure.

Faster Germination: Potatoes love the cosy environment of sacks, germinating faster than traditional methods.

Easy Harvesting: The lazy gardener’s dream – a straightforward process from planting to harvesting.

Growing Potatoes in Sacks

Why Plant Potatoes in Bags?

Your reasons may vary, but avoiding soil disruption and enjoying a convenient gardening experience are common motivations. Let’s dive into why planting potatoes in bags is a smart choice.

How to Grow Potatoes in a Sack

Growing potatoes has a bad reputation among gardeners for being hard work. To begin, thoroughly loosen the soil to a depth of 12 inches (deeper than most crops require) and thoroughly mix in large quantities of compost. When you’re ready to harvest, you have to dig again, and it’s nearly impossible to get all of the tubers out of the soil without cutting many of them with your spade.

Collecting Burlap Bags

Skip the plastic and opt for durable burlap bags. Ron’s choice for their durability and porosity. Learn how to source them for free and why they’re better than traditional grow bags.

Filling the Bags with Potting Soil

Double up the bags, roll down the edges, and fill them almost to the brim with soil mix.

Preparing Potatoes for Planting

Whether using store-bought or specialty seed potatoes, Ron’s method involves cutting them into chunks. Learn why organic potatoes are preferred for optimal results.

Planting the Potatoes

Explore the simple process of planting potato chunks in the burlap bags. Ensure even spacing and the right depth for a successful potato crop.

Growing Potatoes in Sacks

Letting the Potatoes Grow

Find the ideal spot for your potato-filled bags, ensuring they get the sunlight they crave. Learn about “hilling” for protection during frost and the watering schedule.

Pests to Watch Out For

Beware of the notorious Colorado potato beetles. Discover how to spot and eliminate these pests, with a bonus tip on companion planting.

Harvesting Mature Potatoes

Witness the culmination of your efforts as the potato plants bloom. Ron’s easy method of harvesting involves a simple cut, allowing the potatoes to fall out effortlessly.

Growing Potatoes in Sacks

Storing Your Potato Bounty

Once cleaned, learn how to store your potatoes for optimal freshness. Uncover the secrets to keeping both small and large potatoes in cool, dark environments.

Experimenting with Different Potato Varieties

With a successful harvest, it’s time to consider the next year. Dive into the world of Yukon Gold, fingerling, and russet potatoes. Experiment and discover your favourite varieties.

Is It Worth Growing Potatoes in Sacks?

The ultimate question – is the lazy gardener’s approach worth it? It depends on your love for potatoes and your gardening style. Explore the pros and cons to make an informed decision.

Growing Potatoes in Sacks


The decision to cultivate potatoes in sacks hinges on your gardening preferences and love for potatoes. If your affection for them is profound, finding a way to plant them close to home becomes rewarding.

FAQs About Growing Potatoes in Sacks

  1. Can I use any type of bag for growing potatoes? Yes, but burlap bags are recommended for their durability and porosity, ensuring a healthier environment for your potatoes.
  2. Do I need to water the potatoes daily? Water whenever the top few inches of soil dry out. Consistent moisture is key, but avoid waterlogging.
  3. Can I grow potatoes in sacks indoors? While possible, it’s best to provide the potatoes with ample sunlight. Outdoor cultivation is recommended for a successful harvest.
  4. What other pests should I watch out for besides Colorado potato beetles? Keep an eye out for aphids and potato aphids. Regular inspections help catch and address pest issues early.
  5. Are there specific varieties of potatoes that grow better in sacks? Most varieties thrive in sacks, but experimenting with different types like Yukon Gold and fingerling potatoes adds diversity to your harvest.
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