7 Ways Drinking Water Improves Dental Health

Your dental health is important since it not only affects the quality of your smile but, also, your overall health. Besides offering a star smile, a healthy mouth will also allow you to eat well, to breathe well, and to express yourself well, and it ensures fresh breath.

There are many steps you may already take in protecting your dental health, such as brushing your teeth, flossing daily, and having regular check-ups. You may not realize that drinking water is also important for your dental health.

Here are ten reasons why you should be drinking clean water to protect your teeth and gums.

Drinking Water Strengthens Teeth

Drinking water, especially tap water enhanced with fluoride, is recommended by dentists to strengthen teeth. Fluoride has been scientifically proven to strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. It does this by strengthening tooth structure and promoting remineralization. Drinking water with fluoride in it is an easy way to take care of your dental health.

Drinking Water Cleans Your Mouth

Dentists recommend you brush your teeth multiple times each day. The ideal routine includes brushing in the morning, after each meal, and just before bed.

Drinking water throughout the day can help to keep your teeth clean. At the least, it rinses off food residue and acid left over by some foods. Drinking water also rinses away bacteria and sugars that would otherwise work together to cause cavities. If this residue is not removed from the surface and between your teeth, your cavities will be full of bacteria. Water, therefore, rinses away cavity-causing bacteria.

Additionally, if the water supply contains fluoride,it will also help prevent cavities by strengthening the structure and enamel of your teeth.

We should all eat fruits and vegetables for full-body health; however, some fruits and vegetables leave behind anacidic residue that will damage teeth enamel. In time, you could need costly dental repairs.

In addition to strong tooth enamel, you want white teeth for a picture-perfect smile. Some foods, such as coffee, tea, and juices, will stain tooth enamel and yellow your smile over time. This could result in the desire for costly teeth whitening kits or professional teeth whitening procedures. Water does not stain teeth.

3. Drinking Water Reduces Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is caused by a lack of saliva. Dentists are concerned with dry mouth because saliva helps to prevent tooth decay by washing away leftover food.

If you have ever experienced dry mouth, you know it is an uncomfortable feeling. When our mouth feels dry, we instinctively want to drink and quench our thirst. However, a dry mouth is often an indication that we are not just thirsty, but dehydrated. By drinking plenty of water, you will improve your dental health by staying hydrated and supporting saliva production.

4. Drinking Water Reduces Bad Breath

If you have ever experienced halitosis or bad breath, you know it can be embarrassing and have a negative impact on your interactions with others. Poor dental health, dirty teeth, built up bacteria, and dry mouth can all contribute to bad breath.

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Not surprisingly, our fear of bad breath has created a billion-dollar industry. These products are intended to reduce and eliminate the odor, but they are relatively ineffective in eliminating the problem; they simply cover it up. So, how can you eliminate bad breath?Drinking water throughout the day helps to keep your mouth clean by rinsing away odor-causing bacteria.

5. Drinking Water Hydrates Your Gums

Your dental health is not just about theteeth. It is also about your gums. Poor gum health can lead to gingivitis and tooth loss, and it impacts your full-body health. Research shows that gum disease is associated with heart disease.

General dental care, such as brushing and flossing, is important to promote gum health, and drinking water will also promote saliva production, which is essential for healthy gums.Water will keep your gums plump and hydrated, which protects the roots of the teeth.

6. Drinking Water Lowers Your Mouth pH level

Most of us probably do not give much thought to the pH level of our mouths. A neutral pH level in your mouth is 7.0, but acidic foods and beverages can alter that. This can lead to bad bacteria growth and tooth decay.

However, fluoride protects the tooth enamel against the acids that cause tooth decay. More than 90 national and international health professional organizations, including Health Canada, the Canadian Public Health Association,the Canadian Dental Association, the Canadian Medical Association, the U.S.Food and Drug Administration, and the World Health Organization. All these organizations support the use of fluorides to prevent lower mouth pH levels.

7. Drinking Water Promotes Full-Body Health

Drinking juices and sodas can wash down your dinner, but they have a negative impact since they are highly caloric and leave behind unwanted sugar on your teeth. By choosing water to replace empty-calorie drinks, you will promote full-body health.

High consumption of sugary beverages can lead to being overweight or obese. However, water is a healthy, no-calorie option. This means you will be consuming something that will better hydrate you, without adding empty calories and undesired weight gain.

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Additionally, by drinking water, you will avoid all the sugar that can damage your teeth. Our bodies need water, and plenty of it, to thrive. It helps our body systems work more efficiently. When your body is properly nourished and generally healthy, your dental health will be better. In contrast, if your body is not functioning well, your dental health will suffer.


Drinking water has many health benefits, and it can help improve your dental health. If you don’t drink enough water now, start taking small steps to make it easier to get your recommended eight glasses each day.

Install tap water filters;your water will taste better, and you will be more inclined to drink it over flavored options. Keep a pitcher of cold filtered water in your fridge, so it will be your go-to drink rather than a Dr. Pepper. Keep a glass of water or reusable water bottle nearby, so you can sip water throughout the day easily.

These steps will increase your water intake and your dental health. In no time, you will be feeling great and showing off a beautiful, healthy smile.

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