Habits That Can Improve Your Career In 2019

Whether you just got employed, or you employment has been safe for a long time, it is paramount you have a clear plan for your career to get better at what you do in 2019.

Your career is the most important investment in your life, and to achieve your dreams, you have to set goals.

Reason with me. What do you want to improve upon in your career this year?

Is it improved skills to earn yourself for promotion? Or ar you trying to work for another organization and make more money?
Whatever these plans of yours are, you just have to plan it out.

1. Read Up

I’m not telling you to sink yourself in a new book every day. Reading can mean a lot of different things. For some, it might mean reading an article like you are doing right now, for others, it means reading five pages of a book before bed. Wise people know that by engaging themselves with industry news or downloading the latest professional development book, you’re always one step ahead of the game. They’re constantly acquiring knowledge, and constantly engaging with new ideas, new views, and new perspectives — all these will help you take the right decisions when you need to.

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2. Keep Your Connect Close

We all access social media daily, if not every 2 hours. Using it the right way is the best means of getting the best out of it. There’s something called keeping your networking close, and it’s just the little—things like dropping a comment when someone changes their job status on LinkedIn, sending a private facebook message to a colleague who just got engaged, or texting an old friend to catch up. While they may not directly have any impact your job now, they keep the door open for when you may need something later on.

3 Keep Writing

Just like reading, it is so important to practice this regularly. Journaling might not help you advance in your career but I can tell you that it can help you process your feelings and clear your head better than any form of therapy you can think of. It also helps you keep track of what you accomplish. Keeping every notebook you’ve filled since you first started writing can help you look back on the past week, month, or year and see how far you’ve come.

4. Do Not Stop Asking Questions

This is the coolest advice you’ll get all day. Talk to your bosses and ask how they reached where they are today. Ask your co—worker what they’re working on. Ask a friend to explain a concept you do not understand. Ask for help when you need it. Be extra curious—in meetings. Always ensure you are ready to learn more and understand what you don’t know. A dumb question does not exist, if you don’t ask now you’ll only look back later and wish you did.


Seems too straightforward right? Maybe. But if you’re someone who tends to get joke with your career, these are good points to start with. Have an amazing career everyone.

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