Gulder Ultimate Search finalist, Bobby narrates his harrowing experience during the show

The young man shared identified as Bobby shared a series of posts on Twitter, in which he treated his fans and followers to a tell-it-all about some of the experiences he endured while he was in the 2013 edition of highly coveted reality show Gulder Ultimate Search (GUS).

Bobby started off by sharing how he told his boss and some colleagues about his intention to go for the show, and how they laughed at him and doubted his ability to make it pass the auditions.

He said his mum was the only one who believed in his abilities but she was worried about how he would survive the harsh conditions the contestants were made to go through.

On a brighter side of luck for him, Bobby narrated that he aced the interviews and mentioned how he informed his boss who made sure to keep a tab on him, every step of the process.

See his tweets below:

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