Video: Man caught picking out used sanitary pads in dustbin in Abuja

An unidentified man has been caught in an Estate in Abuja picking out used sanitary pads from a dustbin.

The man who was confronted by the lady who disposed of the used item in the dustbin alongside a male resident of the estate, claimed innocence when questioned.

He was however accused of specifically searching for the used sanitary pad by the lady who said that she carefully placed the used items in a “nylon”, before disposing of it.

Here is the video below;

In a related development, a young man who disclosed that he is paid #50 for each used sanitary pads and pampers in DELSU, was stripped and beaten while being forced to confess.

Instagram user @tarah_dulzurah who shared the story wrote;

After the killing of that young girl in Delsu some days back, This man was caught yesterday morning in this same Delsu, picking up used pads and pampers? Nigga says they pay him #50per pad.. fifty naira!!! What is going on? How do I start burning pad like this??.. This is the part where I envy people who use pit toilets.? God will save us all.

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