Court dissolves 7year-old marriage on grounds of beating, maltreatment

By Ugochi Ugochukwu Joy

An Abuja Area Court in Lugbe on Monday dissolved a seven-year–old marriage between Khadijat Adams and Adams Yusuf on grounds of  beating and lack of feeding.

Adams, who resides in Kuchigoro village Airport Road, Abuja, approached the court seeking dissolution of her marriage to Yusuf because he beats her and does not provide for the family.

Adams told the court that Yusuf also threatened to kill her.

Delivering judgment, Justice Saleh Hala, granted Adams’s prayer.

Hala said all efforts to reconcile the couple failed and therefore, ordered them to go their separate ways.

The judge said violation of any of the order made by the court would amount to contempt and shall be treated with the appropriate sanctions.

He dissolved the marriage and awarded a certificate of divorce to Adams.

Earlier, the petitioner said that they were blessed with three children and members of both families and other well wishes had intervened in their matter yet her husband refused to change

“I am tired of being maltreated; I want my peace and freedom,’’ she told the court.

Yusuf denied all the allegations but did not object to the prayer of his wife.

“She is free to go in peace.

“My Lord, she can go as she pleases,” he said.

Yusuf agreed to the ruling of the court.

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