Nollywood actress Anita Joseph recently shared a heartwarming video on social media of herself and her husband enjoying each other’s company while on a trip to another country. The video garnered a lot of attention and praise from her fans and followers, who were happy to see the couple so happy and in love.
In the video caption, Anita Joseph expressed her belief that marriage is a divine institution that has been ordained by God and should be enjoyed by couples. She acknowledged that many people end up marrying the wrong person, which can lead to feelings of disappointment and disillusionment with the idea of marriage itself.
In the caption,she wrote;
“When you marry a Bom****bastic element you say marriage na Scam 🚶♀️🚶♀️🚶♀️Marriages Wey Dey sweet like sugar. Union that God himself Ordained.”
“Women be submissive and Respectful but pls don’t take Buckets of Nonsense. Men Take responsibility Stop embarrassing your wives nobi only you Dey m*d OBUROSOYI’na apu ala shallom ✅I miss my village Dubai 🚶♀️🚶♀️”.