These are 3 reasons to not date a drama queen

A drama queen is someone [the term is usually used for women] who react to situations and circumstances in excessive, melodramatic ways.

If you are single and searching, or just open to the possibility of finding someone to love, here are three signs to watch out for if you do not want to end up with a drama queen:

1. They overreact

Obviously the biggest thing about a babe who is dramatic. Issues get blown out of proportion and issues that can be sorted out in better ways do not get trashed out until she has had a session of being overly emotional.

Whether you piss her off by saying something you shouldn’t have said, or by arriving late by few minutes to a date, you can bet that her default setting is to overreact.

And you don’t need this kind of energy, do you?

2. 100% attention

Drama queens are also very likely to be overly demanding of attention and time. They’ll throw tantrums if they are not on your Whatsapp status updates, on your IG feed and stories and pretty much every known way of demanding attention, even unnecessarily.

But what most people in healthy relationships have is a balance that comes from the knowledge that their partner is theirs and the fact that he has to deal with other things like his work and other responsibilities doesn’t change that.

3. Immature

This is pretty much obvious from the title ‘drama queen.’ There is a childishness to the whole of their disposition and the way they deal with situations. A drama queen lacks emotional intelligence most of the time and always wants things to go her way, failure of which leads to tantrums.

What you need however, is someone whose mental growth matches their physical development to the point where the know how to address issues with appropriate energy.


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