Why Studying History Is Good For You

Shehu Shagari died recently and while the news was being reported on TV, a 35-year-old neighbour of mine asked, “Who is he?” I was shocked. That is how irrelevant our history is to some citizens.

Why do we study history? Even though some Nigerian students adore this subject and spend years learning about different events, persons and other things from the past, there are many young people who do not care about historical topics. It is a sad fact, but it the reality we are faced with currently. To talk about how useful and vital, information about history is to a human being, lets discuss the reasons why History should top the list of things we love studying in this day and age:

1. You Know Who You Are

The historical descriptions of several events, the existence of different nations and people makes it super easy to know who you are, who your fore-fathers are, what our human race is. History is the key to knowing your human ancestors, ancient people, and old government organization. It breaks down various cultures, traditions, and life on the planet thousands of years ago. This is knowledge you will not get anywhere else.

2. You Understand Your World

Those who study history have deeper knowledge of the construction of our planet and world. Through history, we can look closer at the past events and compare with our present reality. It comes naturally to consider the changes that took place, realizing how different people and different things influenced the world’s events. History also helps with getting the motivation to become the new influencers of the society today.

3. You Have The Ability To Change The World

Nations with massive knowledge of their own history, nations that know all the details about the past of their country and ancestors can develop their modern society and lead their country to a brighter tomorrow. The happenings of the past can help to shape our decisions today, which will in turn aid us to understand the importance of changes and reforms in the country to cause new developments, upliftments, and unimaginative growth. Bad History will not repeat itself when the knowledge of it can help us avoid the same mistakes in the future.

4. Knowledge Of Your Culture Will Increase

Several nations grew their own cultures, and this happened many years ago. Through history, it is simpler to understand those cultures, compare the traditions of old people and discover where the genesis of modern cultures come from. Everything we have today comes right from our past. And thats history.


Lovers of history like myself can only hope that Nigerian teachers will figure out how to make their students fall in love with this extremely vital subject, develop critical thinking and finally become citizens equipped enough to lead Nigeria to better future.

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