CDQ reacts to speech issued by DJ Cuppy about Nigeria’s problems

CDQ reacts to speech issued by DJ Cuppy

Rapper CDQ has made some clarifications concerning a speech recently delivered by DJ Cuppy in Germany about the problems bedevilling Nigeria

DJ Cuppy delivered the speech at the “Raising awareness at Global Citizen Live  Let’s start to recognise issues and take action” held in Germany.

In her speech, she said “70% of the Nigerian population lack access to clean water and sanitation, This is the statistics am not happy with and not proud of”.

In reaction, CDQ commended her for the speech but wondered why she didn’t talk about the main issues bothering the nation which he gave a short list of.

He wrote:

Lovey speech baby… But our main problem no be water u for tell dem our main problem…
Unemployment….Electricity….Bad Road…. Network…Economy Instability…. Low Income (Wage/ Salary)

He went on to advice her to include the problems he listed above when next she gets the opportunity to make such a presentation again especially before a world audience.

….Insufficient educational facilities for the masses.
So they would know how to rightfully channel resources.
Thank you.. Just incase of next time mami..

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