Alaafin of Oyo’s Wife, Queen Ola Opens Up About Her Past Dating Life

Alaafin of Oyo’s wife youngest wife, Olori Badirat Ajoke Adeyemi, known as Queen Ola on Instagram has cracked some of her followers up with laughter after revealing some details of her past dating life online.

According to a post on her Instagram page, when she was still a single lady who had love interests, she would carry out mischief just to get attention.

Ola stated that she would ask someone to call her love interest to inform them that she has cried her eyes out , just so they can get worried and pay her attention.

Queen Ola who is now married to a first class king probably doesn’t walk down such lane but it is hilarious to think that the queen once went that route just to get attention from partners she held close to her heart.

Many other ladies can probably also attest to carrying out extreme measures just to get attention from their lovers.

Read her post below:

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