‘Anyone Found Guilty Of Rape Should Be Sentenced To Death By Firing Squad’ –Tonto Dikeh

‘Anyone Found Guilty Of Rape Should Be Sentenced To Death By Firing Squad’ –Tonto Dikeh

Tonto Dikeh

Nollywood thespian Tonto Dikeh says rapists should receive death sentence by hanging, firing squad, lethal injection or electrocution.

The controversial actress stated this in a recent interview with Punch when narrating how rape is a violence against women, and an infringement on women’s rights, privacy, self-preservation and dignity.

In her words; “In Nigeria, cases of rape are fast assuming a threatening dimension that requires urgent intervention. Rape, like other forms of violence against women, is an infringement on women’s rights, privacy, self-preservation and dignity.”

Tonto Dikeh

She continued; “There is little or no policy or law that protects the victims as they are most times blamed, stigmatised and humiliated by society if it is brought to the public domain. This hinders victims from embracing a mindset of reporting such an inhumane crime to the appropriate authorities.”

“I believe that any person found guilty of rape should be sentenced to death either by hanging, firing squad, lethal injection or electrocution. I would also recommend castration. Rape cases and sexual molestations have become the order of the day, and the victims are not getting enough justice. Most of these perpetrators still walk freely,” Tonto Dikeh added.

Baba Ijesha

Tonto Dikeh’s comments were reactions to the ongoing rape allegation levelled against Yoruba actor Olarenwaju James popularly known as Baba Ijesha, who was caught on tape molesting a 14-year-old teenage girl.

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