“It Is A Rip-off” – Nollywood Actress, Laide Bakare Laments On Covid-19 Test For Travelers

Nollywood actress, Laide Bakare has lamented the continuous exploitation of travelers in the guise of Covid-19 test in Nigeria.

The 42-year-old Nigerian actress has called on the government to totally scrap the test as it doesn’t serve any other purpose than to exploit travelers coming into the country.

To further strengthen her point, Laide Bakare states that other countries have since stopped requesting for the test from people that are already vaccinated and she wonders why Nigeria’s case is different.

Nollywood actress, Laide Bakare.

“This nonsense that is meant to have been stopped for how long? I am really pissed.

“It is a rip-off, how much is N70,000 that they are collecting because of this Covid-19 test nonsense. The portal is not even working very well. I stayed more than three hours trying to fill this form. What I know is that this really needs to be taken care of! Scrap this Covid test verification. I was coming from America to London and there was nothing like that but from London to Nigeria you are asking us to pay even after being fully vaccinated.

“I’m not even speaking for myself now but for others who are also being exploited.”

A part of her frustration is that the portal is not working, yet, people are required to pay the money. In her case, she was delayed for more than three hours trying to fill the form.

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