Kanye West sued for allegedly discriminating against his black staff

Kanye West faces legal action over Alleged discrimination against black staff members

Kanye West is embroiled in a new legal controversy, as a former employee has filed a lawsuit accusing him of discriminatory behavior towards black staff members at Donda Academy.

Benjamin Deshon Provo, a security guard who worked at the academy since 2021, alleges that Kanye West regularly belittled and harassed black employees, and ultimately fired him for refusing to cut his dreadlocks.

According to the lawsuit filed in Los Angeles, Provo suffered significant emotional distress as a result of West’s actions, which included demands that staff members shave their heads. Provo refused to comply with this request due to his Muslim faith.

The lawsuit also alleges that white staff members received a $5 per hour pay increase, while black employees did not.

Provo also claims that Kanye West prohibited books about Black history and culture from being taught at Donda Academy, including texts about prominent figures such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

Provo is looking for compensation for supposed discrimination, a hostile workplace environment, retaliation, labor code breaches, and other complaints.

Few months ago, Kanye West was also sued for assault, battery by autograph seeker.

According to TMZ, the autograph seeker stated that the incident occurred in Downtown Los Angeles in 2022.

The man claimed he sought an apology from the artist, to which he responded, “Apology for what?” before allegedly punching him many times and seriously hurting him.

He claimed that one of the guys who accompanied Kanye attempted to stop the attack, but he yelled, “Go to the fucking house and get my fucking kids.”

He analyzed how Kanye punched him in the face after screaming, “I’m going to make a fucking example of you.”

The man is seeking for damages, saying the assault caused him emotional distress.

His wife claims she lost her husband’s company as a result of the incident and is suing Kanye West for loss of consortium.

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