Lagos Port: 27 ships unload petroleum products and other items

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The Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) reported on Wednesday that 27 ships were discharging bulk wheat, general cargo, containers, bulk sugar, frozen fish, and bulk gypsum from Lagos ports.

Other items for discharge at the port, according to the NPA shipping position report, are petrol, base oil, and bulk urea.

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From November 24 to December 5, the authority said it expected 18 more laden with petroleum products, food, and other goods.

The ships were expected to arrive at the Lagos Port Complex, according to NPA.

The ships also carried general cargo, bulk sugar, containers, base oil, bulk wheat, bulk urea, petrol, ethanol, and frozen fish, according to the report.

According to the authority, six more ships have arrived at the ports, ready to berth with general cargo, bulk wheat, bulk sugar, and bulk fertilizer.


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