Guard breaks into apartment, steals N251,000 valuables

A 27-year-old security guard, Caleb Peter, who allegedly broke and entered into an apartment to steal phones and cash, valued at N251,000 was on Wednesday brought before an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court in Lagos. 

Peter, who resides in Ayobo, Lagos State, however, pleaded innocence to the charges of breaking in and stealing.

The Prosecutor, Insp. Mojirade Edeme, told the court that the defendant committed the offences on Oct. 3 at Ayobo, Lagos State. She said that the defendant burgled the apartment of Samuel Ogedengbe and carted away his property.

“The defendant damaged the window burglary proof to gain access into the complainant’s apartment. He stole an iPhone of N130, 000, a Samsung worth N60, 000, a Nokia phone of N15, 000 and cash of N46, 000 totaling N251, 000. The defendant was apprehended after he was identified as the culprit behind the stealing.”

Edeme noted that the offences contravened Sections 287 and 307(2) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Section 287 carries three years’ imprisonment for stealing, while Section 307(2) attracts seven years for breaking in.

Magistrate Mrs O.A Dirisu granted the defendant bail of N100, 000 with two sureties as part of the bail condition. She said that the sureties should be gainfully employed and show evidence of two years tax payment to the Lagos State Government.

The case continues on Dec. 29.



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