Court sentences trader for stealing motor parts

An Upper Area Court sitting in Kasuwan Nama in Jos on  Monday, sentenced a 20-year old trader, Usman Hamza, to a year in prison for stealing motor parts.

The judge, Suleiman Lawal, who sentenced Hamza after he pleaded guilty to the offence, however, gave him an option of a fine.

Lawal said that for the offence of stealing, he had to pay N50, 000 fine and in default; one year in prison.

He said the judgement would serve as a deterrent to those who would want to indulge in any criminal act.

Earlier, the prosecution counsel, Ibrahim Gokwat, told the court that the case was reported at the Laranto Police station in Jos on Dec. 17, 2021, by one Habibu Ya’u of Shagari Corner, Jos, and one Dawud Ibrahim of Bauchi road, Jos.

The prosecutor said that the convict stole four truck rims worth N50, 000, car doors and one car boot cover at Faringada, Jos, valued N45, 000.

He added that during the investigation, the items were all recovered from the convicts.

The prosecutor said that the offence contravened the provisions of Section 271 punishable under section 272 of the Plateau State Penal Code.

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