Fear Allah in all your endeavors – Chief Imam charges Muslims

The Chief Imam of Ife Kingdom in Osun State,  Alhaji  AbdulHammed AbdulSemiu, has charged Muslim faithful to always have the fear of Almighty Allah in all their endeavours.

AbdulSemiu gave the advice during the First Friday Juma’at, at Ife Central Mosque, Enuwa, Ile-Ife.
He reminded Muslims that every soul shall taste death and account for his or her deeds whether good or bad before Almighty Allah.
The Chief Imam asked them to embrace the noble teaching of the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and the society would be a better place.
According to him, the fear of God Almighty and constant supplications by Muslim faithful can bring an end to the hardship and misfortunes in the country.
The Chief Imam noted that everyone shall return to the Almighty Allah and account for his deeds hence there is the need to ensure fairness and intermingle with one another in most modesty.
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