Man jailed 10 months for vandalising electric transmission tower

An Upper Area Court at Gwagwalada, Abuja, on Thursday sentenced a 31-year-old man, Jeremiah Lucky, to 10 months imprisonment for vandalising an electric transmission tower.

The police charged Lucky, who resides at Sauka in Abuja, with criminal trespass and theft.

He pleaded guilty, and Justice Sani Umar convicted and sentenced him based on his guilty
plea and the facts of the case.

Umar, however, gave the convict an option of N10, 000 fine for each offence, warning that he would
serve a jail term of five months if he would default.

“This judgment will serve as deterrent to those who will want to indulge in criminal acts, ” Umar said.

Earlier, the prosecutor, Mr  Abdullahi Tanko, told the court that the case was reported at Iddo Police Station by Mr Benjamin Omoshaiye of the Transmission Company of Nigeria, Gwagwalada, on July 12.

Tanko said that the convict was caught vandalising the tower installed on Baruwa Road, Federal Capital Territory.

He said that during police investigation,  items such as bolts and nuts, iron plates and angle irons were recovered from the convict.

He said that the offence contravened the provision of Sections 348 and 287 of the Penal Code.

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