Kebbi Governor to set teachers’ retirement age at 65 years

Governor Alhaji Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi state, said that his administration has set up a committee to work out modalities for the setting of retirement age of teachers at 65 years.

Bagudu, while declaring open the National Executive Committee meeting of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), made the declaration on Monday in Birnin Kebbi.

He stated that the state government would look into the possibility of paying leave grants to workers on or before Oct. 31.

The Governor acknowledged the robust mutual relationship between his administration and labour unions in the state.

He said the state government is also enjoying massive support from all the civil service in the state.

Bagudu acknowledged the invaluable support and cooperation of labour unions in the state since his assumption of office.

He recalled that the state government had made public the Public Procurement Law and abrogated the state’s tenders board.

This action has reduced the enormous power of the governor and his deputy and devolved same to commissioners and heads of ministries, departments and agencies, he said.

Furthermore, Bagudu appreciated the efforts of the NLC President, Mr Ayuba Wabba, he described him as a diligent and dedicated patriot.

He lauded the NLC for honouring the state by holding the meeting in Kebbi.

Bagudu also commended labour leaders for for the support they have shown one of their own, the APC governorship candidate, Dr Nasiru Idris.

The NLC president, earlier acknowledged the hospitality of the state and its people and described Bagudu as level-headed person.

Bagudu takes workers of the state as his partners and colleagues, and this is why monumental achievements are recorded in the state, he said.

The chairman of the NLC in Kebbi, Alhaji Umar Hassan-Halidu, in his opening address, lauded the leadership of NLC for finding Kebbi suitable for the NCW meeting.

He, further appreciated Bagudu for doing so much for workers in the state, describing him as “workers-friendly governor’’.

We commend the governor for being among the first to approve the payment of N30,000 national minimum wage and payment of backlog of retired civil servants’ gratuities.

We also commend him for prompt payment of monthly salaries and the construction of a housing estate for workers, he said.

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