How Davido helped me solve a serious problem I had with Emmanuella – Mark Angel opens up

In the pulsating realm of Nigerian entertainment, no mentor-protégé relationship blazes as brightly as that of Mark Angel and Emmanuella. Their unbreakable bond and seamless collaboration have catapulted them to stratospheric heights of achievement, setting an unmatched standard in the industry. In a recent candid interview, Mark Angel shed light on the intricate journey of mentoring Emmanuella, revealing the turbulent waters they've navigated together. He recounted a pivotal moment where Davido emerged as a beacon of support, swooping in to rescue him from a thorny predicament he encountered with Emmanuella

Mark Angel, the famous Nigerian comedian, recently shared a captivating revelation regarding how superstar Top Nigerian singer Davido intervened to resolve a pressing issue involving his 13-year-old protégé and comedienne, Emanuella Samuel.

During an exclusive interview with Music Base Africa, Mark Angel vividly recounted the uproar ignited by Emmanuella’s wardrobe choice, which swiftly catapulted her into the eye of a social media storm under the contentious hashtag “She is 13.”

According to the comedian, he gave Emmanuella a piece of his mind, urged her to dish her sultry outfits but she simply shrugged off his words, opted to continue dressing seductively.

Mark Angel mentioned that later on, Davido took the time to reach out to Emmanuella via phone, expressed his thoughts on the importance of her dressing appropriately and maintaining a decent appearance.

He mentioned that Davido’s influence proved to be incredibly effective, as Emmanuella underwent a significant transformation, choosing to no longer wear revealing attire.

Mark Angel wrapped up by expressing his astonishment, revealing that Emmanuella took the drastic step of burning all her revealing clothes the very next day following Davido’s call.

His words;

Davido helped me overcome a potential problem that already seemed inevitable. Emmanuella is growing up and like every girl child, she has started making some personal decisions about her life which aren’t too easy to control. 

“There was a time she was under fire for putting on revealing outfits and posting on social media. I advised her the change her entire wardrobe but she was a bit adamant. 

“She continued doing things her way until Uncle Davido called us on video call and advised Emmanuella on the importance of decency. Emmanuella quickly took the advise… probably because it came from her favorite artiste haha.

“She actually burnt most of her clothes the next day. I was surprised. Still thankful to Davido”


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