Family gives date for T.B Joshua’s burial

The late founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Pastor Temitope Joshua may be buried on July 9, 2021 on the premises of his church in Lagos State, a family source confirmed.

WITHIN NIGERIA recalls that the renowned Nigerian Prophet died last week Saturday at the age of 57 shortly after hosting a programme in the church premises.

A member of the family who preferred not to be mentioned in print, disclosed the burial date on Sunday.

According to him, the decision was made after the immediate and extended members of the family of TB Joshua met on Friday to discuss issues regarding the burial.

He revealed that the burial arrangement was scheduled for July 5 through to July 9, 2021.

He said, “The extended family members, his (Joshua) wife and children held a meeting on Friday and it was decided that he should be buried in Lagos and the burial programme will be between July 5 and 9.

“It was on the insistence of the wife and the children that the other family members agree on the place of burial because they said they saw revelations that he should be buried in Lagos. Since they said it was spiritual, the family agreed with them.”

Meanwhile, SCOAN did not hold any of its three services on Sunday as the church remained shut.

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