Ishaku reshuffles cabinet, sacks two Commissioners

Governor Darius Ishaku

Governor Darius Ishaku

Governor Darius Ishaku of Taraba state has sacked two Commissioners in a minor cabinet reshuffle.

The affected Commissioners who have been shown the exit door are Barr. Danjuma Adamu, heading the state Ministry for Information and Orientation and Yusuf Njeke Tanimu of the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industries.

In a statement issued by the Chief Press Secretary to the governor, Iliya Bekyu, “the Commissioner for Science and Technology, Alhassan Hamman Gassol, is to oversee the Ministry of Information and Re-Orientation.

“The Commissioner for Cooperative and Poverty alleviation, Jethro Yakubu Zikenyu, will now oversee the affairs of the Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry.

“The executive order is with immediate effect.”

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