Gunmen kill Dep Chairman of Borno Timber Shed Association

Imo Communities

The Deputy Chairman of Timber Shed Association, Borno chapter, Mr Aga City, has been shot dead by yet to be identified gunmen.

City as he is fondly called hail from the Gwoza local government area of the state.

According to Vanguard, sources revealed that the deceased who resides with his family at Shagari low cost, near Maimalari cantonment, Maiduguri, was shot at close range when he was about to enter his Corolla car after he bought some noodles to take home.

A close friend to the deceased, who did not want his name mentioned said that the incident was very shocking.

“We received a distress call last night that some unknown gunmen on Thursday evening shot dead our friend, Mr Aga City around Shagari low-cost general area.

“Immediately after the gunmen fired shots on City, they escaped the scene leaving him in the pool of his blood.

“City was then rushed to e nearby hospital in Maiduguri, but unfortunately confirmed dead, May His Soul Rest In Peace”. He stated.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Sani Shatambaya, who confirmed the incident to Journalists in a text message said, “Yes the Command is aware, and investigation is ongoing”.

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