Port Harcourt lady goes dumb after visiting lover in Lagos

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A young Port Harcourt based lady suddenly went dumb after she visited a lover she met of Facebook in Iyana-Isashi area of Lagos State.

The incident was said to have occurred in the morning after the Benue State indigene spent the night in her lover’s arms.

According to Vanguard, after waking up, the lady took sachet of water and went outside to brush her teeth, after which she noticed all of a sudden that she had gone dumb.

The suspect said; “I met the victim on social media, and we became friends and then started dating.

“Last week, she came from Port Harcourt to Lagos to visit me. We spent time together everything was okay until the next morning when she woke up and decided to brush her teeth.”

Explaining further, the suspect said, “She took a sachet of water from the bag of ‘pure water’ inside the house.

“She stepped outside and by the time she finished brushing her teeth, she noticed she could no longer talk.

“I was scared because she spoke to me when she woke up that morning before taking water and going outside to brush her teeth.”

Police from Iyana-Isashi Division were invited to arrest the suspect after all efforts to assist the victim recover her speech failed.

The State Police spokesperson, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, who confirmed the incident said the suspect was arrested and later released when the victim’s parents came to the station and revealed that it is a reoccurring spiritual attack afflicting the victim.

Her parents insisted on taking the victim to their home town in Benue State to find remedy to the issue.

“After verifiable evidence that they are her parents, the victim was released to them,” Hundeyin added.

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