Bauchi Speaker dumps APC for PDP

The Speaker of the Bauchi State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Abubakar Sulaiman, has defected from the All Progressives Congress (APC) to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Sulaiman announced his defection during a Ramadan Iftar dinner hosted by the Bauchi State governor, Bala Mohammed, and attended by PDP stakeholders from Ningi, Toro, Warji and Dass local government areas of the State at the Government House in Bauchi on Saturday night.

There were speculations about the Speaker’s change of party long before now.

Speaking at the Iftar, Speaker Sulaiman said his decision to decamp to the PDP was in recognition of exemplary leadership style of Governor Mohammed and his commitment to transform the state.

He also commended the governor for his ability to ensure harmonious working relationship with the State Assembly despite party differences which allowed formulation and implementation of policies and programmes aimed at ensuring the development of the State.

Responding, Governor Mohammed described the development as an honour done him by the Speaker.

The governor used the opportunity to call on PDP members especially aspirants to shun bitter politics ahead of the forthcoming primary elections in the state.

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