Why plot to remove me as Senate President failed – Saraki

Presidential aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Bukola Saraki, has explained why the All Progressives Congress-led Federal Government couldn’t remove him as the Senate President between 2015 to 2019.

Saraki said it was difficult to remove him from office because he held people together and related very well with those that mattered at the Senate.

He stated this on Tuesday at the Transcorp Hotel Calabar, while seeking votes from the PDP delegates ahead of the party’s presidential primary.

The former Kwara State governor said, “I held people together to an extent that it was difficult for those who were against me to throw me out of office.

“I related very well with my people. I am talking about everyone that mattered at the Senate.

“I held people together. We need a President who can afford to hold everyone together. I am someone who, if you give me an office, I will leave the office better than when I met it.”

He said that for anyone to succeed as President of Nigeria today, the fellow must have the passion, vision and the brain to create wealth.

“To create wealth, you must have the knowledge, certificate for skill acquisition and entrepreneurship.

“We must include the youths in our government. The youths must become ministers in my administration,” he said.

Saraki promised to create jobs to fight the unemployment situation in the country.

“I seek your support. The promise I make today shall be fulfilled. Give me the opportunity, my team and I shall make this country great once again,” he told the delegates.

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