Youth stabs friend to death with scissors in Kaduna

Depict image - Mourners, spectators at a scene of a tragic incident

A young man simply identified as Abba stabbed his friend to death with a pair of scissors following an argument in Kaduna State.

According to Daily Trust, the incident happened on Friday around 5pm at the Layin Dammadi ward at Rigasa community of Igabi LGA of the state.

A vigilante said that the suspect ran away before the vigilante team could get to the scene of the crime.

He said, “The incident happened on Friday when an argument erupted between two friends, Mustapha and Abba, and Abba took a pair of scissors and stabbed the Mustapha on the neck which led to his death.”

The state police spokesman, couldn’t be reached for comment on the incident as at the time of filling this report.

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