ASUU: Reduce lawmakers’ salaries by 50 percent – Ndume tells FG

Ali Ndume

Sen Ali Ndume

Senator Ali Ndume (APC-Borno South) has pleaded with the Federal Government to cut the National Assembly members’ salaries in half and give the money to the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in order to satisfy their urgent demands.

This was said by Ndume on Thursday in Maiduguri in response to the alleged half-pay given to ASUU members.

The former Senate Leader recommended that the federal government form a powerful standing committee of reputable educators and patriotic Nigerians to meet with the ASUU leadership and discuss the pressing issues.

He said, “Even if it means that the National Assembly will reduce sitting allowances or be paid on casual allowances basis whenever they sit at the Lower and upper chambers, by cutting the recurrent expenditure in the budget of the federal lawmakers to settle the ASUU arrears, let it be.

“We only assemble twice or so in a week and get paid as such.”

According to Ndume, civil servants who worked from home during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic were paid their full monthly salaries and allowances.

He said, “So why will the federal government cut university lecturers’ salaries because they went on legitimate strike? Constitutionally, they’re fighting for their rights and privileges.”

Ndume added, “As a matter of priority and as a public servant in the legislative chambers, we do not work, so why don’t you just give us half salaries and then pay ASUU.”

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