Enugu monarch gifts 2-bedroom flat to indigent widow

Touched by poor condition of widows in his community, the traditional ruler of Edem-Ani community in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, HRH Igwe Ikechukwu Asadu on Wednesday donated a modern 2-bedroom self-contained apartment to Mrs. Monica Ajibo a 55-year-old indigent widow in his community.

Mrs. Ajibo, our reporter gathered, lost her husband 23-year ago and had to rent an apartment in a nearby village as she could not maintain the dilapidated mud house her husband left behind even as she was said to be also faced with the challenge of raising and catering for her four children all alone.

The traditional ruler who was recently elected unopposed by the community and had been issued with a certificate of recognition as the traditional ruler of Edem-Ani by Enugu state government said that the gesture was a way of thanksgiving and appreciation to God for making him what he is today.

According to him, he heard about the plight of the poor widow from his community source and decided to build the 2-bedroom flat for her to live with her children.

The Executive Chairman of Nsukka LG cutting the tape to open the apartment

Explaining further, the Igwe who had built over half a dozen of the similar house to the poor in and around his community said that, “someone from my community told me that the woman is a widow and has been living as a tenant in our community because since the death of her husband she was unable to repair and maintain the sagging roof and falling partitions of their old mud house, forcing her to move away and rent a house elsewhere.

“So, when I heard her pathetic story I was moved to tears and had to order for the immediate construction of the building, to the glory of God, the two bedroom and parlour with kitchen, bathroom, and toilet which was constructed to modern standard is ready for her use.

“For me, it is just another day of my normal life, thanksgiving and appreciation to God for making me what I am today. My desire in this world is to always be in a position where I can be of help to the poor and less privileged persons, put smiles on people’s faces daily by changing and impacting positively in their life,” he said.

The America-trained nurse said further that it was because of his love for humanity that made him built and equipped a cottage hospital in his community and allowed people to access the facility free of charge.

He advised other rich people and good-spirited individuals in the community to join hands in the fight against poverty by helping the less privileged around them.

The 2-bedroom apartment built by the monarch

Speaking while cutting the tape to open the building, Mr. Walter Ozioko, Chairman of Nsukka LGA, described Igwe Asadu as a blessing to the Edem-Ani community, the people of Nsukka, and the entire humanity.

“I urge other wealthy people in Nsukka LG to emulate Asadu who is always putting smiles on the faces of the poor.

“Igwe Asadu is God sent, a good example of a traditional ruler, a practicing Christian who is not only a  blessing to his community but to the entire humanity,” the council boss said.

The joy of the widow knew no bounds as she expressed her gratitude to God and the Igwe Asadu asking God to bless him abundantly.

The widow, who danced joyously at the event, took newsmen around her new house, describing the Igwe as an angel that visited her family at the right time. She said the monarch has wiped away the tears of many years.

“For many years now I am living in a rented one-room in a nearby village because the mud house my husband built before he died had collapsed.

“This house built for me by our Igwe has brought me back home, I lacked words to thank my traditional ruler,” she said.

Also, Mrs. Nnenna Eze, the leader of Edem-Ani Women Support Touching Lives group expressed appreciation to Asadu for always assisting the poor especially indigent widows.

“We are happy today that our traditional ruler in his usual kindness has demonstrated again his love for the poor.

“Our prayer for Asadu is that God will continue to bless him more so that he will continue to render selfless service to humanity,” Eze said.

Mrs. Ajibo, the widow

Chief Vita Abba, the People Democratic Party candidate for Nsukka/Igbo-Eze South Federal constituency, and Chief Chijioke Mbanefo known as Osadebe Junior, a popular musician were among dignitaries present during the occasion.


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