FRSC Confiscates 630 Vehicles For Road Traffic Violation In Oyo

In Oyo State, 630 automobiles were reportedly seized by the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Oyo State Command for allegedly committing different traffic infractions between January and November.

This was disclosed to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ibadan by Joshua Adekanye, the FRSC Sector Commander in the state.

According to Adekanye, the majority of the automobiles were seized because the owners lacked proper driver’s licenses and other vehicle documentation.

The sector commander reported that 4,005 criminals were also detained by the command for committing different traffic offenses throughout the state during the period.

He added that the offenders had committed 4,186 traffic offenses, with improper overtaking and using a phone while driving being the most common.

Others are use of expired tyres, lane violation, seat belt violation and speed violation.

Adekanye called on motorists to always ensure that their vehicles had the required papers before plying the road and as well obey traffic rules and regulations to avoid being arrested by FRSC.

He said that the corps would continue to engage and sensitise motorists and other road users to the need to shun speeding and obey traffic rules, to get to their destination safely.

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