Enugu APGA guber candidate, Frank Nweke II, drums support for Peter Obi

Frank Nweke II, governorship candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) in Enugu, has thrown his weight behind Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party.

He implored the residents of Enugu to vote Obi in the presidential election.

Nweke said Obi is the best among the three leading presidential candidates.

Speaking on Friday at the 48th annual synod of the Methodist Church of Nigeria in Enugu, the former minister of information asked residents to vote for APGA candidates in the elections in March.

“Of all the three major presidential candidates, Mr Peter Obi is the best because he has character, capacity and integrity,” he was quoted by NAN.

Nweke promised that if elected as governor, he would partner with the church to improve education and reinvent society.

He said he would hand over schools back to missions because they were better managed by churches.

The APGA candidate said he would restore water supply, ensure proper waste disposal and address multiple taxation within 12 months of his administration.

On his part, Christopher Edeh, Methodist Archbishop of Enugu, commended Nweke for associating with the church, while praying that God will help him to achieve his political ambition.

The bishop said that the church will play an active role in the enthronement of good leaders in the country by coming out to vote in the February and March polls.

Peter Umeadi is the APGA presidential candidate for the February 25 polls.

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