FG Urges India To Grant Visa On Arrival To Nigerians

In exchange, the Federal Government of Nigeria has asked India to offer Nigerians visas on arrival.

At the G-20 summit in Mumbai, the request was made by Geoffrey Onyeama, the minister of foreign affairs.

Onyeama also asked India to expedite the granting of business visas to Nigerians, according to a statement released on Wednesday and signed by his Special Adviser, Sarah Sanda.

The minister stressed the significance of bilateral trade between the two nations.

The statement read in part, “The Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, is in New Delhi, India, to participate in the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting hosted by India, March 1-2, 2023.

“The meeting will focus on strengthening multilateralism and deepening cooperation on food and energy security, sustainable development, counter-narcotics, global health, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, gender equality, and women’s empowerment.

“Ahead of the G-20 meeting, minister Onyeama met with his Indian counterpart, Indian Minister of External Affairs, Dr. S. Jaishanker. He conveyed President Muhammadu Buhari’s appreciation to the Prime Minister of India for the invitation extended to Nigeria to participate in the G-20 meeting. He also requested the granting of visa on arrival to Nigerians as a reciprocal gesture and requested India to fast-track the issuance of business visa to Nigerians.

“While paying tribute to the blossoming bilateral relations between Nigeria and India, Onyeama stressed the need to further strengthen the economic, trade, and investment cooperation for the mutual benefit of both countries. He noted continued cooperation in the education sector and welcomed direct air flights between the two countries.”

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