Soldiers go berserk, shoot Ogun driver for parking beside company

Two yet-to-be-identified, trigger-happy soldiers have reportedly shot a commercial driver, Bolaji Sunday, for parking his vehicle at the front of the Oriental Transport Company, Magboro Bus Stop, in the Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State.

It’s gathered that sunday left his residence and drove to the location to meet someone who wanted to link him with a customer.

When he got to the front of the company reportedly guarded by soldiers, Sunday parked his vehicle.

The driver was said to be on his way to meet the person that wanted to connect him with his customer when the leader of the soldiers accosted him for parking at the spot.

Before he could explain himself, the two soldiers demanded the key to his vehicle and ordered him to sit in a gutter, Punch reports.

Upon realising that the driver was still explaining his reason at the location rather than complying with the order, the soldiers pounced on Sunday and shot two tyres of his vehicle.

In a frantic effort to save his life, the driver said that he started running, adding that one of the soldiers allegedly shot him at the back.

He said, “I came out on Saturday to meet the person that will give me the number of the customer I was to carry on Sunday. So I parked my vehicle at a location around the Magboro Bridge. I was going to meet the person when the commander of the soldiers asked why I parked my bus at the location and requested my key. He later told me to sit inside the gutter.

“I did not steal anything; I was just waiting for my customer. But before I knew it, they started beating me with a belt. When I tried to hold the belt, they broke my windscreen and shot two of my tyres. I quickly jumped down and started running away for my safety but the soldiers shot my back and I fell inside the gutter.

“While in the gutter, I started calling for help but no one came to my rescue because they were afraid. It was later that a driver, who was travelling to Ibadan, Oyo State, helped me. The driver brought me out of the gutter and drove me to the hospital. They shot me in the back and arm; the bullet penetrated through and came out from the other side of my body.”

According to punch, the driver looked pale with bandages tied around his neck and chest. Also, about six drip containers were hung beside him.

Sunday’s wife, Oluwatosin, who expressed sadness over her husband’s condition, said despite her husband’s pleas to the soldiers to allow him to drive the vehicle away from the location, they refused and allegedly shot him.

Reacting to the development, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Omolola Odutola, said efforts were on to track the fleeing soldier who shot the victim.

“Sunday was rushed to the hospital where the Divisional Police Officer is in communication with him and he is also responding to treatment. No other available information has reached the police as to the real reason for that extent of provocation; residents were appeased to remain calm while effort is ongoing to track the unidentified fleeing soldier.” Punch quoted her as saying.

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