Ondo: Football coach murders, dismembers ex-lover

Police authorities

The police in Ondo state say one Bankole Oginni has been arrested over alleged grisly murder of his 45-year-old ex-lover.

Oginni, a football coach, was said to have committed the heinous crime at his residence in Oke-Aro, Akure, the state capital.

According to sources, the 54-year-old suspect lured his victim to his house after inviting her over on the phone.

One of the sources revealed that Oginni was caught in the act when the deceased was traced to his house when she failed to return home after visiting him on Saturday.

Speaking on the situation, the terrified and grief-stricken daughter of the deceased, who spoke in confidence with newsmen, stated that she decided to pay a visit to Oginni’s residence to check on her mother’s whereabouts after she could not reach her on the phone.

She disclosed that she met a grotesque and horrifying sight upon entering the suspect’s living room, where her mother’s lifeless body was found tied with a rope.

The victim’s daughter also revealed that her mother’s stomach had been brutally ripped open, and there were visible marks on her body that suggested scalds from hot water.

While confirming the incident, the Police spokesperson in the state, Olufumilayo Odunlami-Omisanya, disclosed that the suspect is already in custody, with the remains of the deceased deposited in the morgue.

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