Makinde approves August 20 as Isese Day, declares Monday public holiday

The announcement was made by Olanike Adeyemo, Secretary to the Oyo State Government

Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, has sanctioned the designation of August 20th as “Isese Day” annually within the state.

This decision was conveyed by Olanike Adeyemo, the Secretary to the Oyo State Government (SSG), who also announced that Governor Makinde has declared this upcoming Monday as the inaugural public holiday to observe this occasion, as per an official statement released in Ibadan on Friday.

“Isese” is being used to denote different kinds of festivals held by adherents of the Yoruba traditional religion or culture.

“The approval is an indication that Gov. Makinde is committed to inclusivity and respect for all religious practices in the state,” the SSG said.

He said the governor urged traditional religion worshippers in the state to use the occasion to pray for the peace, unity and stability of the state and Nigeria in general.

The International Council for Ifa Religion (ICIR) had announced its decision to suspend the planned Isese festival in Ilorin, Kwara State, even as it accused the State Police Command of being prejudiced towards the Ifa religion.

WithinNigeria earlier reported that the Emir of Ilorin, Dr. Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari, had been sued for allegedly preventing traditionalists from holding their Isese festival in Ilorin, the State capital.

A statement signed by the President of the Council, Oluwo Solagbade Popoola, noted that the decision to temporarily suspend the festival was to avoid confrontations.

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