NAFDAC approves Ambrose Alli University’s herbal medicine for diabetes

GLUCOZIL's endorsement was announced in a press release by AAU's spokesperson, Mike Aladenika, emphasizing the university's research commitment

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has granted certification to GLUCOZIL for the management of diabetes mellitus. GLUCOZIL, an herbal medication, is manufactured by Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma.

The official endorsement of GLUCOZIL for public usage was disclosed in a press release on Thursday, as conveyed by Mike Aladenika, the spokesperson for AAU. The statement highlighted the university’s commitment to regaining its esteemed stature as an institution dedicated to research and advanced education. NAFDAC’s approval extends not only to the drug’s utilization but also encompasses the rights for its production and patents.

Jonathan Emeka Emordi, who serves as the head of the university’s pharmacology department and holds the role of sub-dean of Basic Clinical Sciences in the College of Medicine, is the creator of this drug. He stated that the university’s efforts to develop GLUCOZIL were driven by the aspiration to reclaim prominence within the realm of research and higher education.

He said, “GLUCOZIL is a natural product that is prepared for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. GLUCOZIL as a natural product, manufactured to cause a regeneration of the better cells that have been destroyed. If the product is used for a very long period, it will not only manage diabetes but cure it completely.”

According to Mr Emordi, GLUCOZIL which can be used for the management, treatment and cure of diabetes, has bonus clinical indications for the treatment of BPH, commonly known as enlarged prostate.

“In my analysis of the product, it was discovered that it has the capacity to shrink the prostate so that surgical operations can be avoided. The product is scientifically tested, right dose confirmed, safety proven in both humans and animals,” Mr Emordi explained.”It is also capable of flushing the human system. Simply put, it is a detoxifier. It has strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities which makes it an immune booster.”

Commending Mr Emordi, AAU acting vice-chancellor Sonnie Adagbonyin, said the management was happy with the feat achieved at the College of Medicine and the Department of Pharmacology.

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