Why I want to play for Super Eagles — Tella

Super Eagles is a very talented national team – Tella

Southampton winger Nathan Tella has expressed his interest in playing for the Super Eagles of Nigeria.

Tella was born in England to Nigerian parents.

The 24-year-old is eligible to play for Nigeria and England.

The versatile winger recently expressed interest in representing the three-time African champions.

“I feel like it’s always been a big part of my life. I was born in London and I’ve been in England all my life, but at the same time my parents and grandparents are Nigerian, so I feel like it’s the bright route to go down so I wanna do something that makes my family proud as well,” the 24-year-old said in an interview with OmaSports.

“I’ve asked him quite a bit and at Southampton I had Joe Aribo as well, so I spoke to both of them just to see what it’s like, but obviously, I’ve been with Victor and he’s been telling me what’s it like so if I get the chance I’ll love to play with him there.”

Tella also speaks highly about the Nigeria national team.

It’s a very talented national team, but I’ve always liked a challenge myself. The reason I’m here is to push myself and challenge myself. I wanted to play with better players, and with the national team, you’re playing with the best players in the country. By all means, I want to get to know them, play with them, learn from them and then get the opportunity to improve,”

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