Reps Give Accountant General 72 Hours to Account for N100 Billion COVID-19 Funds

The House of Representatives has issued a 72-hour ultimatum to the Accountant General of the Federation

COVID-19 Funds

The House of Representatives has issued a 72-hour ultimatum to the Accountant General of the Federation, Mrs. Oluwatoyin Madein, to provide a detailed report on the utilization of N100 billion COVID-19 intervention funds released by President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration to Ministries, Departments, and Agencies between 2020 and 2022.

Chairman of the House Committee on Public Accounts, Bamidele Salam (PDP, Osun), announced the ultimatum in response to the AGF’s failure to comply with the committee’s resolution to submit the report on October 27, 2023. The committee had written a letter to the Accountant General, requesting details of all releases in line with the Appropriation Act and other interventions allocated by the Central Bank of Nigeria to different Ministries, Departments, and Government Agencies.

Salam emphasized the importance of the report in guiding the committee’s investigation into the “expenditure incurred under COVID-19 interventions, especially in 2020 and up to 2022,” as mandated by the House. The AGF has been directed to provide the report before the close of work on Friday, November 3, 2023.

Reps condemn killing of young girls for rituals

The House of Representatives has expressed worry about the recent dangerous trend of killing young girls for ritual purposes.

The House is deeply concerned about the alarming rise in heinous crimes, perpetrated by young boys who may be associated with powerful criminal organizations.

Furthermore, it is distressing that young Nigerian girls are now at risk and in danger.
In response to these issues, the House has called upon the Inspector General of Police to establish a dedicated task force to conduct a comprehensive investigation aimed at exposing the individuals and networks responsible for these acts of violence and ensure that they face the full force of the law.

Additionally, the House has entrusted the House Committee on Legislative Compliance with the responsibility of overseeing and ensuring the implementation of these resolutions.

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