Taraba Assembly Reduces LG Chairmen’s Tenure to Two Years

The Taraba State House of Assembly has put to rest the constitutional crisis surrounding the tenure of local council chairmen by unanimously passing an amendment bill

Taraba Assembly

The Taraba State House of Assembly has put to rest the constitutional crisis surrounding the tenure of local council chairmen by unanimously passing an amendment bill. The emergency session, held behind closed doors, was prompted by an ongoing industrial action by parliamentary staff.

The major entrance to the Assembly premises was sealed due to the strike, compelling lawmakers to use alternative entrances to access the chambers. The bill’s passage coincides with preparations for the local council election scheduled for tomorrow.

Nelson Len, Chairman of the House of Assembly Committee on Information, explained that the urgency was driven by the need to address legislative demands. Len, representing Nguroje constituency, attributed the expedited action to the ongoing parliamentary staff strike, stating that using alternative entrances was necessary to proceed with legislative matters.

Len emphasized the significance of timely action, especially with the upcoming local council election, and mentioned that allowing the bill to remain pending could jeopardize the governor’s intentions for the election. The bill in question reportedly revised the tenure from three years to two years.

Lone PDP Member in Yobe Assembly Defects to APC

The solitary member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the Yobe State House of Assembly, Lawan Musa Majakura, has officially defected to the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Majakura, who previously defeated the then Speaker of the Assembly, Ahmed Lawan Mirwa, in the Nguru II state constituency election, made the move to the APC. Governor Mai Mala Buni welcomed Majakura into the APC during a reception on Thursday, praising the lawmaker as a young and vibrant politician with significant potential.

Governor Buni acknowledged Majakura’s commitment to serving his constituency effectively and noted the support he received from credible politicians accompanying him to the event. He emphasized the importance of politics as a means of serving the people.

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