Political Veterans Encourage Aspiring Politicians to Transform the Narrative

Chukwuemeka Ihedioha stressed the importance of understanding the local environment for aspiring leaders

Gabriel Suswam

Former Governor of Benue State, Gabriel Suswam, and former Governor of Imo State, Chukwuemeka Ihedioha, alongside other seasoned politicians, shared valuable advice with the younger generation aspiring to enter Nigerian politics. The counsel came during the conclusion of a three-day Fellows Bootcamp, marking the culmination of a six-month training initiative for the 2023 Cohort of the Emerging Political Leaders Fellowship (EPLF).

The EPLF, organized by The Bridge Leadership Foundation (TBLF), selected 25 fellows nationwide from over 500 applicants for its 2023 Cohort. The fellows engaged in virtual sessions, learning from past and current politicians, development professionals, and experts from various fields.

As part of their civic engagement, the fellows actively contributed to their communities through training sessions and civic initiatives. The program reached its zenith with a three-day BootCamp in Abuja, providing the fellows with extensive learning, networking opportunities, and a grand graduation ceremony.

The graduation day featured mentoring sessions led by influential current and former political leaders. On the sidelines of the event, Gabriel Suswam advised young and aspiring politicians to focus on providing services to the people, emphasizing the challenges and responsibilities that come with political engagement.

Chukwuemeka Ihedioha stressed the importance of understanding the local environment for aspiring leaders, urging them to inquire about the rules governing electoral processes in their respective regions. Betty Apiafi, a former lawmaker, emphasized the locality of politics, noting that strategies for elections should be tailored to the unique characteristics of each region.

The 2023 fellowship program received support from LEAP Africa and the Nigerian Youth Futures Fund (NYFF), underscoring the collaborative effort to nurture and empower the next generation of political leaders in Nigeria.

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