3,413 Inmates Currently on Death Row in Nigeria – NCoS

Abubakar emphasized that the number of Awaiting Trial Persons (ATP) constituted 69% of the total inmate population

Nigerian Correctional Service

The Nigerian Correctional Service (NCoS) has revealed that there are currently 3,413 inmates on death row in custodial centers across the country. Umar Abubakar, the National Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the NCoS, shared this information during a media parley in Abuja.

As of December 18, 2023, the total number of inmates stood at 77,849, consisting of 76,081 males and 1,768 females. The breakdown included convicted inmates (18,935 males and 357 females), Awaiting Trial Persons (52,512 males and 1,324 females), Lifers (1,293 males and 15 females), and Inmates on Death Row (3,341 males and 72 females).

Abubakar emphasized that the number of Awaiting Trial Persons (ATP) constituted 69% of the total inmate population, posing a significant challenge for the Service. However, he reassured that the NCoS was actively working to address this issue and provide judicial guarantees for ATPs.

Highlighting the initiatives undertaken to reduce congestion, Abubakar mentioned the release of 4,086 inmates with options of fine and/or compensation. Additionally, measures such as the construction of new custodial facilities, strengthening non-custodial alternatives, providing logistics for court duties, and fortifying custodial facilities were implemented to alleviate the challenge.

He further noted that in 2023, the Service enhanced the fortification of custodial facilities to prevent external attacks and aggression. As of now, there have been no recorded instances of internal insurrection within the facilities.

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