Vice President Shettima Intervenes In Benue APC Dispute, Urges Unity for Development

The state has been grappling with internal strife as various factions vie for control of the party

Vice President Kashim Shettima

Vice President Kashim Shettima has stepped into the ongoing crisis within the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Benue State, urging conflicting stakeholders to reconcile for the advancement of the state.

During his visit to Makurdi on Tuesday to inaugurate the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) clinics, Vice President Shettima made a passionate plea for unity among warring factions within the ruling APC in Benue. The state has been grappling with internal strife as various factions vie for control of the party.

The root of the crisis has been attributed to the power struggle between Governor Hyacinth Alia and the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Senator George Akume. Allegedly, their loyalists are engaging in conflicts to assert control over the party structure in the state.

Addressing the situation, Shettima emphasized the indispensable connection between peace and development. “There cannot be peace without development, and there is no development without peace. Benue has no business quarreling with each other. I, therefore, call on all of us to bury our differences and work towards the progress of Benue State,” asserted the vice president.

The intervention by Vice President Shettima is seen as a crucial step towards resolving the internal strife within the Benue APC, aligning with the broader goal of fostering development and harmony in the state’s political landscape. The call for unity aims to create a conducive environment for progress and cooperation among party members.

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