Anambra: Gunmen raze monarch’s palace

Muna Alamdari Internally Displaced Persons

The palace of Igwe Emmanuel Nnabuife, the traditional ruler of Isseke Community in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State, has been burned.

The palace was razed by suspected gunmen terrorising the south east state.

The monarch confirm the razing of his residence by the assailants, adding that he had done nothing to warrant such destruction of his property.

He added that he was now homeless and he has lost everything he worked hard for.

He, however, said no life was lost in the incident.

“It is true that my palace was burnt down by some boys and I have lost everything that I laboured all my life to achieve and as it is now, I am homeless.

“Everything was raised down but I thank God that no life was lost and nobody was harmed and this is the way it in my town Isseke,” he said.

The Anambra State Commissioner of Police, CP Aderemi Adeoye, who confirmed the incident, said investigation had begun.

According to him, the police have launched a manhunt for the fleeing perpetrators.

“Those boys in Isseke now are fleeing from Ihiala because of our operation there,” he said

This incident is happening about one week after a former convoy driver to late Gov Chinwoke Mbadinuju was allegedly kidnapped by gunmen after performing the funeral of his brother at the same Isseke community.

It was said that the former driver failed to settle the gunmen before burying his brother and shortly after the funeral, they stormed his home at night firing gun shots into the air. They took him away to an unknown destination.

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