Reps partner military to tackle oil theft

Chairman Alhassan Ado-Doguwa, during a visit to the Chief of Defence Staff, commended the military and security organizations for achievements in securing government facilities and exposing facilities involved in crude product theft

The House of Representatives Special Committee on oil theft is committed to collaborating with the Nigerian Armed Forces and other security agencies to combat crude oil theft.

Chairman Alhassan Ado-Doguwa, during a visit to the Chief of Defence Staff, commended the military and security organizations for achievements in securing government facilities and exposing facilities involved in crude product theft.

Ado-Doguwa highlighted the joint inspection by General Chris Musa and the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited, uncovering an illegal crude oil vessel intercepted by Tanita Security Services.

A statement he signed quoted the lawmaker as commending “The Nigerian military over its commitment to securing government facilities, improving production processes in the oil and Gas sector of the Nigerian economy.”

He also promised that the House would continuously subject the Petroleum Industry Act to further legislative scrutiny and amendments to provide for a robust functioning of the nation’s oil sector.

This, he said, will give the novel legislation the enablement to assist the Federal Government in its quest to turn around the economy through the oil and gas sector.

The Chairman also reiterated the resolve of the House to continue to come up with legislation to improve the socio-economic well-being of the oil-producing communities even as he called on the leaders of these communities to warn their wards to desist from sabotaging the economic potentials of the country in their areas.

Responding, General Musa promised the readiness of the nation’s military to work harder for the security of the nation’s oil and gas assets.

“I give you the assurances of the men and officers of the Nigerian Armed Forces under my watch of our commitments to collaborate and work with this committee for the good of our great country and indeed, our people,” he said.

He however lamented the delay in the prosecution of those arrested for oil thefts, which he said discourages security personnel in their determination to fight criminals, sabotaging the genuine effort of the government aimed at repositioning the nation economically.

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